By-Laws & Policies

Municipalities in New Brunswick look after the well-being of the community by putting by-laws in place.

If you require an official version of a by-law, you may obtain a certified copy from the Clerk’s Office by sending an email to:

Town of Beaurivage by-laws are passed by Municipal Council at public meetings. The procedure for the adoption of a new by-law consists of two readings by title, followed by a reading in its entirety or a summary of the by-law, and a final reading by title only. These four readings are always done at two different public meetings.


By-Law 23-01

By-Law concerning the remuneration of the Beaurivage Council

By-Law 23-02

By-Law respecting the Beaurivage Seal

By-Law 23-03

Procedural By-Law for the Beaurivage Council

By-Law 23-04

By-Law on the Code of Ethics for the Beaurivage Council

By-Law 23-05

By-Law of the Town of Beaurivage relating to the Enforcement of By-Laws

By-Law 23-06

By-Law of the Town of Beaurivage relating to Dangerous or Unsightly Premises

By-Law 23-07

By-Law of the Town of Beaurivage relating to Dog Control

By-Law 23-08

By-Law of the Town of Beaurivage respecting community safety, public order, nuisances and protection

By-Law 23-09

By-Lw regarding Planning Services Fees provided by the Kent Regional Service Commission

By-Law 23-10

By-Law of the Town of Beaurivage respecting the Fire Department

By-Law 23-11

By-Law concerning “La Corporation d’amélioration des affaires de Richibucto Inc.” budget

By-Law 23-12

By-Law of the Town of Beaurivage respecting Fire Prevention

By-Law 23-14

By-Law amending By-Law 19-03; Town of Beaurivage Zoning By-Law

By-Law 24-01

A By-Law relating to Traffic and Parking in the Town of Beaurivage

By-Law 24-02

By-Law amending By-Law 19-02; A By-Law to adopt the Town of Richibucto Municipal Plan

By-Law 24-03

By-Law amending By-Law 19-03; A By-Law to adopt the Town of Richibucto Zoning By-Law

By-Law 24-04

By-Law amending By-Law 14-2; By-Law to Adopt the Rural Plan of the village of Saint-Louis-de-Kent

By-Law 24-06

By-Law amending By-Law 14-2; By-Law to Adopt the Rural Plan for the village of Saint-Louis-de-Kent

By-Law 24-07

By-Law concerning the Business Improvement Area budget for the ward of Richibucto Inc.


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